Wednesday, September 9, 2009

09 09 09

It is harder than one might think, living a life of 'healthy' after years of not so much! There is an 'empty' that wasn't taken care of that now needs filled. After 45+ years, that will be a real challenge, especially combined with 'empty nest' syndrome. I've prayed, and let it go, asked God to fill the gaps and show me what to do within the waiting period. It will be interesting to see how He fills the void.

Today was hard to get through, especially within the silence of lack of being able to share as daily people-relationships aren't in place. This is the part that became so neglected while fighting the fight. So today I found myself typing constantly at check points, sometimes each hour on the hour to get through with my own conversation. I called a few friends to break the silence but none were available so walked and that helped. I unexpectedly ran into someone from work while on the walk and we had a chat which was really was my 'help' for the evening. I will be OK for tonight and I'll deal with tomorrow, tomorrow. Already, a bit of an answer.

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